Thursday, September 26, 2013

BETRAYAL: Federal Nail in a Military Coffin

By Ed Evans, USMC (Ret.)

   Back a month ago when federal planners first raised the ugly head of their plan for penalizing military retirees by refusing them a civilian retirement at the end of a second career, it just didn't seem to go anywhere.  But you know how it is, once you put something on the Internet, it takes on a life all its own and becomes eternal. 
   In other words, I keep seeing traces of this venomous idea here and there. 
   It's not dead, yet.                 
   The lead paragraph and bridge read: "To address long-term sequester cuts, the Defense Department is mulling numerous reductions that will affect civilian employees, including doing away with civilian employee pensions for military retirees who go back to work for the government as civilian employees.
The savings could be almost $100 billion over 10 years when combined with a halt to commissary subsidies and restrictions on the availability of unemployment benefits, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told reporters last week in summarizing the recommendations of the newly completed “Strategic Choices and Management Review.”
   However, if I were their PR adviser my advice would be that they not just walk away from it, but RUN!  This should be dialogue written for the Saturday Night Live comedy TV show, not a serious approach to building an effective government workforce and viable national budget.  Not to mention that, truthfully, you cannot pay men enough to risk their very lives in combat, but to then prevent them from earning a living and taking care of their families afterward, if they live through it, is surely the worst kind of national cowardice.  And never mind that the entire U.S. military, the most blooded and battle-tested military in the world right now, goes about its business on the individual level like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockers for reasons of upended ethical and moral guidelines of behavior, unsound battlefield rules of engagement, and social Generals who are administrators, not leaders.
   On the one hand this policy change in retirement rules will sow such divisiveness among the federal workforce, not to mention the career military, as to seriously affect efficiency, production and create infectious trust issues.
   On the other hand, I cannot imagine the hit the nation's federal workforce will take without the hand-in-glove synchronization of the disciplined experience that military members bring to the table, which work so effectively with civilian education and expertise.
   In fact, it is such a bad idea that if I believed even half of the conspiracy theories floating around the Internet, I would have to believe there would be no more certain way to pull the plug on American effectiveness in government, no better way to help America's enemies achieve this nation's downfall and freedom's dissolution.

   Bottom line, if for any reason those in the upper head shed want to start a revolution, want to create a cause to declare martial law as a pathway to ultimate control, this would be a good one.  However, anyone who would support such a cockamamie idea has no sense of the kind of fire they are playing with in a munitions bunker filled with volatile, sparking poverty, pain and class betrayal.  And those they are considering betraying are the ones with the guns.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Short Shots


This should be a slam dunk for the judiciary, but it won't because of politics.  This is, however, a flashing red light to warn Mr. and Mrs. America that our government, which is created to serve us, is turning on us.  
We now have militarized police departments in some of our cities whom, instead of "Protect and Serve" concentrate on "Demand Subservience, Suspect, and Attack."  
Our Federal government is doing the same thing in spying on us.  This is NOT the America our forefathers created and many of us shed blood and lost friends to protect.  Get your elected officials attention and DEMAND this rogue political regime be stopped!


A friend sent me an email message say this makes a good point!

These two short sentences sums up the current government’s views and ideology: 
1) The gov't tells us NOT TO JUDGE ALL MUSLIMS because of a FEW lunatics. 
2) The gov't ENCOURAGES US TO JUDGE ALL GUN OWNERS because of a FEW lunatics 

Thanking him for his insight, I responded with the following:

I suggest the whole of God's Word in the inspired Bible tells us to forget judging, don't worry about the lunatics because He will take care of both, but that we should brush up on our discerning skills.  That would be so we can tell the difference between judging and being discerning, and between lunatics and old-fahioned sonabitches that just need terminating.
All of which reminds me of Mark Twain's advice to never argue with a fool.  Bystanders might not be able to tell the difference.


Some will discount this as just another conspiracy caper, but if you listen to the facts, where, how much economic impact, lives and homes lost, it begins to be serious.

Some hard facts recited in this video; no emotional rhetoric

The facts indicate jihad terrorists are burning our forests and homes......346 homes in Colorado destroyed by Jihad do we fight back?
Lives lost, homes, jobs, economic income, all lost.  


Syria: Outrage Is Not A Strategy

Michael Yon is a highly respected on-the-scene journalist, even by our military.  He is right, when you cannot trust a person's facts, you must wonder about his intention.  Why does the President keep throwing around a figure of Syrian dead that numbers in the thousands when the Doctors Without Borders, supporting medical treatment on the scene, place that number at 355 dead?  The President has no purpose beneficial to the problem, and no plan.  
Stop rattling that saber, Mr. President, you don't know how to use it.

Syria: Outrage Is Not A Strategy