Monday, December 13, 2010

Dirty Dealings in the Senate

This is Harry Reid's doing, and he is an absolute disgrace to the orderly business of this nation and We the People. The people of Nevada need to apologize to the nation for his presence in the Senate. There seems to be substantial evidence that others in the wholesale seed business will benefit greatly by its passage, but it is still Harry Reid who is acting as the Devil's Advocate in this dirty business.

Dirty Dealings in the Senate: Reid attaches S510 Food Bill to Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Act H.R. 3082 Act NOW it is in committee.

This food bill they are trying to pass will increase our food prices at least 50% and maybe more. It is not about food safety it is about control and power. They want our money. All of it.

This is what is being done with S.510, the so-called Food Safety Bill. Read the details and what you need to do:

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